«So gehen wir mit dem Coronavirus um»
Um die rasche Ausbreitung des Coronavirus einzudämmen, arbeiten die meisten Angehörigen des Departements Informatik nun im Home Office. So erleben sie diese neue Realität. (Englisch)
Dean Bakker, ISG
Barbara Pfändner, Administrative Department Coordinator Hermann Lehner, Senior Scientist Focus Education
Nicole Wenzinger, student, president VIScon
Tony Joller, Studies Administration Office
"Sharing the experience with your roommates or family helps"
Nicolas Emmenegger, student
"My husband and I take turns looking after our twins"
Olga Sorkine-Hornung, professor, head of the Institute of Visual Computing
"I try to keep the same work schedule"
Dean Bakker, ISG
"I set up my office space in a bright corner"
Barbara Pfändner, Administrative Department Coordinator
"If I don't want to be disturbed, I put a sign on my door"
Hermann Lehner, Senior Scientist Focus Education
"It's OK to struggle with the current situation"
Nicole Wenzinger, student, president VIScon
"I am in regular contact with my colleagues"
Tony Joller, Studies Administration Office