Bachelor- und Master-Arbeiten

Bild: Ruth Erdt / ETH Zürich
Die Themen für die Semester- und Master-Arbeiten sind mit dem jeweiligen Professor zu besprechen. Unten finden Sie eine Liste der Forschungsgruppen und der angebotenen Themen:
Institute for Computing Platforms
- Prof. G. Alonso, Information and Communication Systems Research Group
- Prof. A. Klimovic, Efficient Architectures and Systems Lab
- Prof. T. Roscoe, Network and Operating Systems
Institute for High Performance Computing Systems
- Prof. T. Hoefler, Scalable Parallel Computing Lab
Institute of Information Security
- Prof. D. Basin, Information Security Group
- Prof. S. Capkun, System Security Group
- Prof. K. Paterson, Applied Cryptography Group
- Prof. A. Perrig, Network Security Group
- Prof. S. Shinde, Secure & Trustworthy Systems Group
- Prof. F. Tramèr, external page The Secure and Private AI Labexternal page
Institute for Intelligent Interactive Systems
- Prof. S. Coros, Computational Robotics Lab
- Prof. O. Hilliges, Advanced Interactive Technologies Lab
- Prof. C. Holz, external page Sensing, Interaction & Perception Lab
- Prof. A. Wang, external page Programming, Education, and Computer-Human Interaction Lab
Institute for Machine Learning
- Prof. V. Boeva, Computational Genetics and Epigenetics of Cancer
- Prof. J. Buhmann, Information Science & Engineering
- Prof. N. He, Optimization and Decision Intelligence Group
- Prof. T. Hofmann, Data Analytics Lab
- Prof. A. Krause, Learning & Adaptive Systems Group
- Prof. G. Rätsch, Biomedical Informatics Group
- Prof. M. Sachan, external page Mrinmaya's Lab
- Prof. J. Vogt, Medical Data Science
- Prof. F. Yang, Statistical Machine Learning Group
Institute for Programming Languages and Systems
- Prof. R. Jung, Programming Language Foundations Lab
- Prof. P. Müller, Programming Methodology Group
- Prof. M. Püschel, Advanced Computing Lab
- Prof. Z. Su, Advanced Software Technologies Lab
- Prof. M. Vechev, Secure, Reliable and Intelligent Systems Lab
Institute of Theoretical Computer Science
- Prof. B. Gärtner, Theory of Combinatorial Algorithms
- Prof. D. Hofheinz, Foundations of Cryptography
- Prof. D. Komm, Algorithms and Didactics Group
- Prof. R. Kyng, Algorithms and Optimization Group
- Prof. U. Maurer, Information Security and Cryptography
- Prof. A. Steger, Combinatorial Structures and Algorithms
- Prof. D. Steurer, external page Computational Complexity, Optimisation and Estimation
Institute of Visual Computing
- Prof. M. Gross, Computer Graphics Laboratory
- Prof. M. Pollefeys, Computer Vision and Geometry Group
- Prof. O. Sorkine-Hornung, Interactive Geometry Lab
- Prof. R. Sumner, Game Technology Center
- Prof. S. Tang, Computer Vision and Learning Group
- Prof. M. El-Assady, external page Interactive,Visualization & Intelligence Augmentation Lab
Computer Engineering and Networks Laboratory
- Prof. R. Wattenhofer, Distributed Computing Group
Computational Design Laboratory
- Prof. B. Bickel, Computational Design
Research Centers
- Dr. Fabio Zünd, Game Technology Center
- Dr. Fabio Zünd, Media Technology Center