"Sharing the experience with your roommates or family helps"

Nicolas Emmenegger
Nicolas Emmenegger, a student at the department of computer science, dedicates full days to some lectures or to his thesis.

Can you give a brief description of your home office work routine?
I like to start working in the morning, although I am not always as disciplined as I would like to be. I usually dedicate full days to some lectures (or to my thesis) and stick with it the whole day.

Do you have any specific advice that makes working from home easier?
Sharing the experience with your roommates or family helps. After all, everyone is in the same boat now. Brewing a good cup of coffee is usually also helpful. It’s only been one week, but so far it hasn’t been that bad. I think as students/computer scientists, we are quite privileged in this particular situation because working from home is a smaller adjustment than for other professions.

What is your strategy to cope with cabin fever when working from home?
As long as it is not advised against or prohibited, I like to go cycling. The good thing about cycling in this situation is that social distancing is pretty much automatic, at least if you do it alone. In the extreme case of a curfew, I could put my bike on a home trainer, and do stationary cycling on our balcony. I doubt that this would have the same head-clearing effect though.

"At our WG, every evening one of us prepares a meal."Nicolas Emmenegger

What do you like most about working from home?
What I like the most, is being free to do whatever I like, when I like. Some of my courses are now just based on last year's recordings, so one can work ahead or in batches.

What is your current menu plan?
At our WG, every evening one of us prepares a meal that is supposed to last for the next lunch break as well. As everyone only cooks once every four days, the meals are usually quite varied. external pagefooby.ch is of help here.

Do you have a recommendation for an app that might be useful at this particular time?
I don't know, maybe someone has a recommendation for a calendar app for me. Yesterday, I forgot to tune into my seminar meeting because I lost track of what day of the week it was. When it occurred to me that I was an hour late, I joined the Zoom meeting anyway but started with the microphone on, which was a bit embarrassing.

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