Information and System Security
Information security is both a problem of fundamental importance for modern society and a scientific discipline in its own right, complete with its own foundations and methods. The department carries out research across this spectrum, ranging from the mathematical foundations of cryptography to building solutions to pressing problems in securing networks, cyber-physical systems and applications. As security is a highly interdisciplinary area, the work is collaborative by nature and often contains strong links to industrial partners and other faculty areas.

Torsten Hoefler
Full Professor
datacenter architecture and networking, cloud computing, climate simulations, large-scale machine learning, quantum and high-performance computing

Dennis Hofheinz
Full Professor
cryptography, information security, proof systems, algorithms, theoretical computer science

Shweta Shinde
Assistant Professor
systems security, software security, trusted computing, secure hardware, verification

Zhendong Su
Full Professor
compilers, programming methodologies and tools, testing, analysis, verification, software security, machine learning, education technologies