Continuing Education

ETH Zurich stands for excellent teaching, ground-breaking research, and results that can be put to use for the benefit of society. Transferring its knowledge into society and the economy is one of ETH Zurich's principal concerns.
To support this knowledge transfer, and in addition to its full-time degree programs, the Computer Science Department offers the following continuing education courses:
Specialist training in computer science
The certificate program is aimed at university graduates with verifiable previous knowledge of computer science who wish to study the subject in greater depth. Certificate program in computer science (CAS-INFK)
Didactic training for computer science teaching
The didactics diploma is a teaching qualification that prepares students to work as teachers at high educational levels in the subjects in which they have qualified. Didactics diploma
The didactics certificate is a qualification which confirms successful completion of basic didactic training in the respective subject. The training mainly prepares for teaching in the training and further education of adults (for example at the University of Applied Sciences or at Colleges of Higher Education). Didactics certificate
The requirements for taking the didactics diploma and the didactics certificate in computer science is a Master's, Diploma or Licentiate degree in computer science at university level.
Attending teaching sessions
Anyone who does not have a record of performance but wishes to benefit from the courses at ETH can, for a small fee, attend nearly all teaching sessions offered by the university in its semester program. This also applies to majors and elective subjects (but does not include the examinations). Anyone is permitted to attend these.
A list of courses is available here.
School for Continuing Education
ETH Zurich
School for Continuing Education
HG E 17-18.5
Rämistrasse 101
CH - 8092 Zurich