Open Positions
At ETH Zurich, more than 28,000 people from over 125 countries work, study and carry out research. As an open and progressive university and employer, it creates opportunities and encourages constructive dialogue while honoring excellent performance and social responsibilities.
Information on recruiting (adjunct) assistants using HAT can be found by administrative assistants, teaching coordinators, and head TAs protected page on this page.
Open professor positions at the Department of Computer Science and assistant professorships in computer science are advertised on the ETH's Faculty Affairs website.
Note on "habilitations": The "habilitation" degree required by some university systems is not necessary at ETH Zurich, and the Computer Science Department does not support the awarding of habilitations to its research members.
Please contact the institutes or research groups directly. See the following page containing links to the institutes' or groups' job pages for Postdoc positions.
If you are interested in pursuing a docotorate in our department, visit our doctorate site.
The Department of Computer Science engages many students as teaching assistants. Teaching assistants usually assist in lectures for the department, but they can also assist in service lectures for other departments. Tasks may differ between the lectures (e.g. leading exercise groups, correcting exercises, student coaching in the lab, assisting in developing learning materials, etc.).
If you are interested in a teaching assistant role, please contact the involved lecturer or apply directly using the online application platform.
The assistant positions were assigned by the lecturers by the beginning of the semester. The minimum requirements may differ between the lectures. Students may only be employed as teaching assistants during their studies (i.e. before handing in the Master's thesis). Formal aspects in respect to employment are arranged with the
New teaching assistants are required to take a didactic teaching course, taking place during the semester. At the beginning of the semester, further information will be announced by e-mail.
For non-Swiss applicants: please take note of the rules regarding your work and residence permit.
Please contact the institutes directly. See the following page containing links to the institutes’ own pages for internships.
The Computer Science Students' Association (VIS) provides web pages containing employment/internship offers for computer science students on this website.
Administrative opening and IT Positions at the Department of Computer Science are advertised on the website Open Positions at ETH Zurich.
The ETH Career Center and the Association of Assistants at ETH (AVETH) provide an online service containing employment offers – external page ETH get hired. In addition, the VIS maintains the following jobportal.
Mind the GAP! Getting Academic Positions Interview Series

Would you like to know more about transitioning from a doctorate or a postdoctoral research position to a faculty position? In the interview series "GAP: Getting Academic Positions", young faculty members from ETH Zurich and other universities share their experiences and insights about this process.
CLS Doctoral Fellowships at ETH Zurich

Why apply to do your Ph.D. with the Max Planck ETH Center for Learning Systems (CLS)? Hear from CLS doctoral fellows based at ETH Zurich. CLS is a joint academic program on artificial intelligence between ETH Zurich and the Max Planck Society. CLS offers a unique doctoral fellowship program, where Ph.D. students are co-supervised by one advisor from each partner.
Frequently Asked Questions When Applying for a CLS Doctoral Fellowship

Are you thinking of applying to do your Ph.D. with the Max Planck ETH Center for Learning Systems (CLS)? This video talks you through the application process and offers useful tips.