Intelligent Interactive Systems and Physical Computing
Interactive artificially intelligent systems such as personalised robots, self-driving cars and AR/VR-based systems that co-exist and collaborate with humans are increasingly becoming part of our everyday reality. However, many scientific challenges must be overcome before such interactive agents can contribute to solutions to some of humanity’s most urgent problems, including urban congestion and mobility, rising healthcare costs, an aging society, technical literacy and digitisation, and climate change.
Markus Gross
Full Professor
computer graphics, animation, physically based modeling, video processing, media technology, digital effects, digital fabrication, 3D printing
Otmar Hilliges
Full Professor
human-computer interaction, augmented reality, virtual reality, human robot interaction, input devices, machine perception
Christian Holz
Associate Professor
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virtual reality, healthcare, ubiquitous computing, embedded systems, haptics, human-computer interaction, physical prototyping, sensing, signal processing, predictive health
Andreas Krause
Full Professor
machine learning, data mining, optimization, learning systems, sensing, network analysis
Marc Pollefeys
Full Professor
computer vision, 3D modeling, robotic perception, computer graphics, machine learning
April Yi Wang
Assistant Professor
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educational technology, human-computer interaction, artificial intelligence in education, collective intelligence and organizational technology, end-user programming, user interface for programming