"I try to keep the same work schedule"

Dean Bakker
Dean Bakker, who works in the IT Service Group (ISG), enjoys the company of his cats in his home office.

Can you give a brief description of your home office work routine?
I wake up at the same time as I would under normal conditions and make sure to get dressed before starting my office hours. Then, I start the VPN into the office and commence working on projects or responding to tickets. We also hold a daily VC meeting with the whole team every morning. I take my normal lunch break and at the end of the day, I disconnect from work and try to relax before the next day.

Do you have any specific advice that makes working from home easier?
What helps me a lot is having a dedicated work area from where to work. Also, I try to keep the same work schedule as I did before.

What is your strategy to cope with cabin fever when working from home?
I play with my cats, call my parents or watch a movie.

"We hold a daily VC meeting with the whole team every morning."Dean Bakker

What do you like most about working from home?
I appreciate that I don't have to commute anymore.

What is your current menu plan?
Pasta, oven food (fries, nuggets, fish sticks, vegetables) and soup.

Do you have a recommendation for an app that might be useful at this particular time?
I recommend using WhatsApp to keep in touch with people and Boom Beach for short distractions.

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