"I am in regular contact with my colleagues"

Tony Joller
Tony Joller, Studies Administration Office, appreciates the view from his desk at home.

Can you give a brief description of your home office work routine?
I start my working day as usual, simply in other surroundings. This unprecedented situation forced us to adapt to a different way of working quickly. Thanks to the good IT infrastructure and the fast remote support by ISG (thank you, Dean!), the adjustment has been a lot smoother than initially anticipated. So far, it allows me to continue my work without any major restrictions. However, I am aware that not having a physical workplace might create some future problems when it comes to issuing official documents.

Do you have any specific advice that makes working from home easier?
I try to create a good working environment that suits my needs and is as ergonomic as possible: for instance, by using a laptop stand to avoid neck pain.

What is your strategy to cope with cabin fever when working from home?
I am in regular contact with my team colleagues to mutually ensure that the operative business is continuing as well as possible. This also helps to overcome the social isolation during the day to some degree.

"I try to remind myself to appreciate the little things like the nice view from my desk onto the city."Tony Joller

What do you like most about working from home?
That's difficult to answer since this unexpected tragic situation forced us to switch to this working condition. Nevertheless, I try to remind myself to appreciate the little things like the nice view from my desk onto the city.

What is your current menu plan?
Pretty much the same as usual, although I am currently cooking more for myself.

Do you have a recommendation for an app that might be useful at this particular time?
Skype and TeamViewer compensate for the decentralised working locations.

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