European Conference on Computer Vision 2014

Die angesehene European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) wird vom 8-11 September 8-​11 im Kongresshaus Zürich und in den Räumlichkeiten der ETH stattfinden. (Englisch)

Media notice

A shopper is guided through a grocery store straight to her favorite cereal brand; a surgeon in Zurich performs a remote operation on the gall bladder of a patient located somewhere in the world by sensor-controlled hand gestures; and a driver on his way home after a long working day is alerted of a pedestrian unexpectedly crossing the road by means of his automotive warning system. New forms of digital experience hallmark the world of the 21st century 'homo informaticus'. Due to 'computer vision', man's most important sense - vision - is constantly enlarged and enhanced. This (r)evolution can be expected to continue with incredible speed, as nowadays cameras are found in ever more devices, e.g. smartphones. Their functionalities have revolutionized modern society's 'modus vivendi' by including the ability to record the environment in real-time and scan it three-dimensionally.

The renowned externe SeiteEuropean Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) is a 'Mecca' of the computer vision-savvy community. Hosting the conference in Switzerland is a premiere: a quarter of a century after its establishment, the ECCV will be held from September 8-11, 2014 at the Kongresshaus Zürich and on the ETH premises. Due to the outstanding research and reputation of conference chairs Prof. Marc Pollefeys (Department of Computer Science and head of the Institute of Visual Computing) and Prof. Luc Van Gool (Department of Electrical Engineering & Information Technology and head of the Computer Vision Laboratory) the ECCV has been set in Zurich and at ETH. With more than 1’300 national and international experts and participants from science, business and industry, the conference is one of the largest and most groundbreaking of its kind. Both luminaries and aspirants will showcase state-of-the-art solutions on the leading edge of computer vision technology. The ECCV alternates yearly with its affiliated international conference, the ICCV.

Highlights of ECCV include:

  • Company exhibitions featuring the latest in computer vision technology from local companies (Inilabs, SCS, Dacuda, etc.) as well as international companies (Amazon, Google, Pelican Imaging, etc.).
  • Demos of the most recent computer vision research results.
  • Live demo of Daimler's pedestrian detection technology.
  • Multiple Swiss computer vision start-ups will present their products.

For more information, please see the externe Seitefull conference program including live demos, presentations, workshops and tutorials.

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