Yilmazcan Özyurt

Yilmazcan Özyurt
Student / Studiengang Doktorat D-INFK
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I am a second year Doctoral Student in DS3Lab led by Prof. Ce Zhang. My research focuses on enabling time series models to solve real-world problems in various fields, including healthcare, e-commerce, and social networks. Time series data is generated and processed everywhere, yet we lack the large-scale, global deep learning models in time series (unlike CV or NLP) that could unlock new applications. To understand the challenges, I am interested in modeling the data generating process of time series, which facilitates better generalization over the unseen examples. Further, I have been working on domain adaption to extract the contextual representations of time series, which is transferable across domains (e.g., regions, institutions, people).
Before I started my doctoral degree, I completed my BSc. in Computer Engineering and Industrial Engineering (double major) from Koç University (Turkey). Then I moved to ETH Zürich to complete my MSc. Degree in Computer Science with the focus on machine learning. My MSc. thesis has been published in KDD’21.
Selected papers:
Ozyurt, Y., Hatt, T., Zhang, C., & Feuerriegel, S. (2022). "A Deep Markov Model for Clickstream Analytics in Online Shopping". In Proceedings of the Web Conference 2022. (link)
Ozyurt, Y., Feuerriegel, S., & Zhang, C. (2022). "Contrastive Learning for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation of Time Series". arXiv
Ozyurt, Y., Kraus, M., Hatt, T., & Feuerriegel, S. (2021). "AttDMM: An Attentive Deep Markov Model for Risk Scoring in Intensive Care Units." In Proceedings of the 27th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining. (link)