Professor:innen stellen sich vor: Marc Pollefeys

Professor Marc Pollefeys leitet die Computer Vision and Geometry Group. Zu seinen Forschungsbereichen zählen Computersehen, 3D-Modellierung, Robotersehen und Computergrafik. (Englisch)

Prof. Marc Pollefeys

Professor Pollefeys, what are your interests and hobbies outside of science?
Reading graphic novels, playing volleyball and skiing.

What would you do if you had one year of paid leave?
Work on HoloLens!

If you weren't a scientist, what would you be?
An engineer.

What is your guiding philosophy for running your lab and doing research?
Focus on solving real problems that have impact in the world.

Name a fun fact about your field or your research.
Anyone can see if your algorithm obtained the right result or not.

What does diversity in computer science mean to you and why is it important?
A successful team combines different viewpoints and different talents so that the outcome is greater than what could be achieved by any member of the team.

What's the impact of your research on the society?
Computer vision is starting to enable computer systems to understand the world around them, letting them navigate and explore and interact with people in their environment. The biggest impact in the next few years will be in augmented reality and autonomous vehicles and robotics.

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