Students find the answers with AI
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- Artificial intelligence
- Studies
- Teaching
- Machine learning
- Students
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- Data Sciences, Data Systems, and Data Services
- Institute for Computing Platforms (Systems Group)
- Data science

How does one find what one is looking for among the numerous publications and research areas of ETH Zurich? To answer this question, ETH staff teamed up with students from the Master’s in Data Science.
Why computer science?
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- Students
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- Diversity
- Studies

In 1981, ETH Zurich launched its new computer science degree programme and 110 students started their first semester. 40 years later, the Department of Computer Science is the academic home of over 2500 students and enjoys growing interest worldwide.
Pascal: a programming language that conquered the world
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- Programming languages
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- News und highlights
- Research

In 1970, Professor emeritus Niklaus Wirth designed the programming language Pascal. It became one of the most popular teaching languages and shaped programming languages to come.
Farewell, Thomas Wick
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- Admin & Tech
- Staff

For 31 years, Thomas Wick has worked at ETH Zurich in the Facility Management Department. At the beginning of this year, Mr. Wick has retired. In this farewell interview, he shares his experiences and memories.
Master's student Václav Volhejn places second in TCS CodeVita

Master's student and Excellence Scholar Václav Volhejn was awarded first runner-up at the TCS CodeVita coding competition, winning against more than 350'000 other students.