Outstanding doctoral theses 2024
Five D-INFK doctoral graduates have received ETH Medals for their outstanding dissertations. Congratulations, Charlotte Bunne, Jingxuan He, Antonio Orvieto, Václav Rozhoň and Paul-Edouard Sarlin!
In recognition of their exceptional doctoral theses, five graduates from the Department of Computer Science have been awarded the Silver Medal of ETH Zurich and a financial prize. A huge congratulations to Charlotte Bunne, Jingxuan He, Antonio Orvieto, Václav Rozhoň and Paul-Edouard Sarlin on this distinguished achievement!
The prizes will be awarded at the upcoming doctoral awards ceremony on 24 January 2025.

Charlotte Bunne
Thesis: Neural Optimal Transport for Dynamical Systems
Supervisor: Prof. Andreas Krause

Jingxuan He
Thesis: Machine Learning for Code: Security and Reliability
Supervisor: Prof. Martin Vechev

Antonio Orvieto
Thesis: Dynamics of Adaptive Momentum Optimizers on Challenging Deep Learning Landscapes
Supervisor: Prof. Thomas Hofmann

Václav Rozhoň
Thesis: Local Complexity: New Results and Bridges to Other Fields
Supervisor: Prof. Angelika Steger / Prof. Mohsen Ghaffari

Paul-Edouard Sarlin
Thesis: On Learning and Geometry for Visual Localization and Mapping
Supervisor: Prof. Marc Pollefeys