2024 VIS Teaching Awards
- Teaching
- Award
- Initiatives

Students of the department have voted for their favourite teaching assistants. VIS board member Efe Berke Alıcı announced the winners at the last Department Conference. Congratulations to all the recipients!
CYD Award 2024 for SCION
- Security
- Cyber Defence Campus
- Award

Professors David Basin, Peter Müller and Adrian Perrig, and the whole team behind the SCION next-generation Internet, were honoured with the armasuisse Cyber-Defence Campus award "Rising security technology". Congratulations to the whole team! Learn more about SCION:
CSNOW receives recognition at the ETH Diversity Award 2024
- Scientific staff
- Award

We are proud to announce that CSNOW (Network of Women* in Computer Science) has been awarded 2nd place at the ETH Diversity Award 2024. The award honours the achievements of members of the ETH community for their work to promote inclusion and diversity. Congratulations!
Christian Holz und Niao He promoted to Associate Professors
- Spotlight
- Sensing, Interaction & Perception Lab
- News
- Optimization & Decision Intelligence Group

Niao He and Christian Holz, both currently Tenure Track Assistant Professors at ETH Zurich, have been promoted to Associate Professors of Computer Science. Niao He works in the general field of mathematical optimisation, particularly the basics and methods of intelligent decision-making. Christian Holz conducts research on designing intelligent interfaces and technologies that will complement human beings in the future and enable them to interact with content.
Vera Traub appointed as Associate Professor of Theoretical Computer Science
- News
- Faculty
- Institute of Theoretical Computer Science

Vera Traub, currently Professor at the University of Bonn, is a prize-winning scientist in the field of approximation algorithms and combinatorial optimisation. Her research sheds light on fundamental questions to do with the efficient computation of solutions for difficult optimisation problems.