Following your heart
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- Advanced Software Technologies Lab
- Programming languages
- Scientific staff
- Software engineering
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Dr Chengyu Zhang has been a postdoc in the Advanced Software Technologies (AST) Lab of Professor Zhendong Su since the beginning of 2022. He joined the group after completing his doctorate at the East China Normal University (ECNU) in 2021. He had come to ETH Zurich before, as a visiting doctoral student in Professor Su’s group in 2018 and 2019.
A milestone worth celebrating
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- Initiatives
- Students
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The first-ever Bachelor Graduation Ceremony organised by VIS, the Association of Computer Science Students at ETH Zurich, took place on 27 June 2023. Eligible Bachelor’s graduates were invited to the ceremony to celebrate this important achievement.
Frontiers of Science Award for Rasmus Kyng and Maximilian Probst
- Faculty
- Award
- Algorithms and Optimization
- Institute of Theoretical Computer Science
- Algorithms

Professor Rasmus Kyng and Senior Assistant Maximilian Probst have received the inaugural Frontiers of Science Award for a paper they co-authored in 2022. Congratulations!
How AI models teach themselves to learn new things
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- Artificial intelligence
- Scientific staff
- Algorithms and Optimization
- Machine learning
- Front – Spotlight
- Institute of Theoretical Computer Science

Large language models such as GPT-3 are able to learn new concepts by interacting with their users. Doctoral student Johannes von Oswald reports in an interview on what lies behind this ability.
Learning about yourself
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- Scientific staff
- Academia
- Front – Spotlight
- Data Sciences, Data Systems, and Data Services

David Dao recently defended his doctoral thesis, conducted in the ETH Systems Group under the supervision of Professors Ce Zhang and Gustavo Alonso. His childhood fascination for Albert Einstein led him all the way from Munich to ETH Zurich. During his doctorate, he discovered a lot about himself, what he is passionate about and the value of thinking outside the box.