"By living in a different country, I have grown a lot as a person"
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- Initiatives
- Students
- Front – Spotlight
Cella Florescu is in the final year of her Bachelor’s studies at ETH Zurich. Despite the challenges of moving to a new country amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, she embraced the opportunity to join the student association VIS, meet new people, and learn about herself along the way. Today, she feels that her voice is heard, and takes pride in contributing to positive change at ETH.
“For very small problem sizes a classical computer is faster”
- Spotlight
- High-performance computing
- Institute for High Performance Computing Systems
- Scalable Parallel Computing
- Faculty
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- Staff
- Research
In theory, quantum computers vastly outperform classical computers in terms of computing speed. For them to do so in practice, it is necessary to design more and novel high-speed algorithms, says ETH supercomputing specialist Torsten Hoefler.
Johannes Lengler awarded the title Adjunct Professor
- Faculty
- News
- Theoretical computer science
- Institute of Theoretical Computer Science
Dr Johannes Lengler, currently Lecturer in the Department of Computer Science at ETH Zurich, has been awarded the title of Adjunct Professor by the ETH Board. As a leading theoretical computer scientist, his research ranges from pure mathematics to the neurosciences.
2023 VIS Teaching Awards
- Teaching
- Award
- Initiatives
Students of the department have voted for their favourite lecturers and teaching assistants. The VIS Teaching Awards winners, Angelika Steger, Dennis Hofheinz, David Basin, Ueli Maurer and Thomas Gross have been announced at the last Department Conference.
Gustavo Alonso receives EuroSys Lifetime Achievement Award
- Institute for Computing Platforms (Systems Group)
- Faculty
- Award
Professor Gustavo Alonso has received the prestigious EuroSys Lifetime Achievement Award for his outstanding technical contributions to the field of computer systems. Congratulations!