Björn the Polar Bear turns 20

Björn the Polar Bear has been the unofficial mascot of the Association of Computer Science Students (VIS) since the turn of the millennium. Happy Birthday!

Björn the friendly and loyal polar bear has been accompanying the VIS since the turn of the millennium. The then VIS board members Lisa von Böhmer and Hermann Lehner had adopted Björn at Ikea and brought him to the VIS. Before the adoption Björn's name was "Isbjörn" (Swedish: polar bear), but it didn't take long for the "V" to appear in the front. VISBjörn evolved into simply Björn as we know and like him today.

Hermann Lehner with plush polar bear Björn
By the way: Björn has a brother who still lives with Hermann Lehner. Hermann Lehner is now Head of Academic Services at ETH and was previously a lecturer at D-INFK.
Illustration of Grandpa Björn reading the Visionen. Illustration: Milena Shields
In the wild, polar bears live for 25 years on average. Our (VIS-)Björn is therefore already a grandpa polar bear at 20 years old. Illustration: Milena Shields

This article was originally published in Visionen 04/2021, the magazine of the Association of Computer Science Students (VIS). 

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