Four ETH professors receive Max Planck fellowships
- Advanced Interactive Technologies
- Learning and Adaptive Systems
- Award
- Institute for Intelligent Interactive Systems
- Institute for Machine Learning
- Max Planck ETH Center for Learning Systems
- Data Analytics
- Centres

ETH and the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems are intensifying their partnership to promote doctoral candidates and research: ETH professors Otmar Hilliges, Thomas Hofmann, Andreas Krause and Klaas P. Prüssmann are new Max Planck fellows.
"There was a big urge to finally train computer scientists" - Part 1/2
- Spotlight
- High-performance computing
- Video
- Researchers in focus
- Studies
- Teaching
- Faculty
- Management
- Front – Spotlight
- Research
- Staff

Professor emeritus Carl August Zehnder is one of the founders of the Department of Computer Science. In this video, he talks about how his research field developed out of practical necessity, the competitive pressure against other departments, and the importance of infrastructure at ETH Zurich.
Facebook Research Award for Prof. Ana Klimovic
- Efficient Architectures and Systems Lab
- Machine learning
- Award
- Institute for Computing Platforms (Systems Group)

Professor Ana Klimovic from the Systems Group was granted the prestigious Facebook Research Award. The award aims to support innovative solutions to the challenges that still remain in the data management community.
VMI Summer Retreat 2021: science at leisure
- Topic
- Event
- Spotlight
- Scientific staff
- Staff

For a week in September, scientific staff at the Department of Computer Science met in the picturesque mountain town of Scuol, Switzerland for a double-edition of the annual VMI Summer Retreat.
Ten D-INFK members, alumni and spin-offs named Digital Shapers 2021

The Swiss business magazine Bilanz has published its annual list of Digital Shapers, the 100 top contributors to digitalisation in Switzerland. It includes Professor Adrian Perrig as well a number of alumni and spin-offs from the Department of Computer Science.