ETH Medal for doctoral theses
- Award
- Interactive Geometry Lab
- Secure, Reliable, and Intelligent Systems Lab
- Institute of Visual Computing
- Institute for Programming Languages and Systems

Michael Rabinovich and Dimitar K. Dimitrov, two doctoral students from the Department of Computer Science, have won the ETH Medal for their outstanding doctoral theses.
Cyber networks – from students for students
- Spotlight
- Studies
- Event
- Format
- Initiatives
- Front – Spotlight

Cybersecurity is important in our increasingly digitised society. Cyber Group ETH Student Initiative, a student-founded organisation, works to educate and inspire students about cybersecurity, for instance by hosting events such as the virtual Meet & Greet.
Golden Owl for Dr. Ghislain Fourny

Lecturer and senior scientist Ghislain Fourny was awarded the Golden Owl 2020, a distinction that honours lecturers for excellent teaching.
Torsten Hoefler receives BenchCouncil Rising Star Award
- High-performance computing
- Award
- Institute for High Performance Computing Systems
- Scalable Parallel Computing

The International Open Benchmark Council committee has recognized Professor Torsten Hoefler with the BenchCouncil Rising Star Award for his valuable work in the field of benchmark testing, metrics and optimization.
Timothy Roscoe receives SIGOPS Hall of Fame Award
- Institute for Computing Platforms (Systems Group)
- Network and Operating Systems
- Award

For the paper “The Multikernel: A New OS Architecture for Scalable Multicore Systems”, Professor Timothy Roscoe from the Systems Group at the Department of Computer Science was awarded the prestigious SIGOPS Hall of Fame Award.