An Oscar for Medusa
- DisneyResearch|Studios
- Award
- Computer Graphics Laboratory
- Institute of Visual Computing
- Centres

Researchers from D-INFK and Disney Research had the honour of receiving a Sci-Tech Oscar in Hollywood for their capture system, Medusa.
A secure internet isn’t science fiction
- Spotlight
- Network Security Group
- Spin-off
- Institute of Information Security
- Security
- Information Security Group
- Programming Methodology Group
- Careers
- Front – Spotlight
- Research
- Institute for Programming Languages and Systems

The foundations for internet communication were laid down in the previous century and have undergone very little modernisation since. With their spin-off Anapaya Systems, Adrian Perrig, David Basin and Peter Müller, professors at the ETH Zurich Department of Computer Science, want to bring the internet into the 21st century and make it a secure and reliable means of communication.
A fond farewell to Professor Widmayer
- News
- Staff
- Faculty

This February, Professor Peter Widmayer received professor emeritus status after 27 year of teaching and research at ETH Zurich. D-INFK says thank you.
Tal Ben-Nun named to Forbes Israel's "30 under 30"
- News
- Institute for High Performance Computing Systems
- Scalable Parallel Computing

On January 24, 2019, Tal Ben-Nun was named one of 2019’s 30 most influential people in technology under the age of 30 (“30 under 30”) by Forbes Israel.