ETH Zurich as a brand
"University" and "brand" are terms which can definitely be compatible. Harvard University, Oxford University and other world-renowned names are notable examples. Strategic thinking has become imperative in the differentiation process of defining and refining a university’s position and profile. To design, live and communicate this process means to build a university brand.
The brand as ambassador
A brand originates at the interface between the interior (identity) and exterior (image). It is based on the internal strategy where an organization reviews its areas of development as well as the challenges that lie ahead and cultivates its identity. Due to its mutable nature, a brand undergoes constant renegotiation. The 2013 idea competition launched by ETH offers the opportunity to reconsider the strengths, values and differentiators of one's own university and department. Drawing attention to the inherent character of the institution creates a common and unique sense of vigor and a comprehension of achievement. Building a brand is about the intrinsic energy. In other words: it is about university culture. Brand development means, first and foremost, organizational development.
ETH idea competition: the winner "Enzo"
The Office for Events & Location Development announced the "Idea Competition 13" in October last year in collaboration with the Division for Safety, Security Health and Environment and the coordinating hub 'ETH Sustainability'. On February 10, 2014, the winner was declared: Enzo, a seating furniture which can act as a 'chaise longue’ to rest, as an architectural design element at events or as an open stage showcasing the world of ETH. The colorful Enzos, created by ETH's departments, are envisaged to shape the face of the university as well as its campus and cultural diversity. Enzo, the outdoor furniture, offers each department an appealing facet: to present itself by means of an eye catcher as individual and imaginative beyond lecture halls.
The smartphone: a glimpse of the future

The Computer Science Department chose the smartphone as a representation of its organization. The smartphone is not only a voice apparatus, but also a data or information device – a connecting, pervasive and ubiquitous object that is smart enough to bridge the digital divide and blend tradition with innovation. This is a glimpse of how digital transformation can affect people's day-to-day lives: silencing the morning smartphone alarm is done by the mere snapping of fingers. A digital assistant answers e-mails before the day has even started and simultaneously switches on the (N)espresso machine. Ten minutes later, the car door automatically opens and the voice control connects you with a client in Singapore for your first meeting while on the way to the office. Life is complemented by digital helpers and smart objects. Welcome to the ever-changing world of computer science.