Thesis Projects and Research in DS
The Master's thesis is a mandatory course of the Master's program in Data Science. The thesis is supervised by a professor of the data science faculty list.
Research in Data Science is a core elective for students in Data Science under the supervision of a data science professor.
Research in Data Science
The project is in independent work under the supervision of a member of the faculty in data science
Only students who have passed at least one core course in Data Management and Processing, and one core course in Data Analysis can start with a research project.
Before starting, the project must be registered in mystudies and a project description must be submitted at the start of the project to the studies administration by e-mail (address see Contact in right column).
Master's Thesis
The Master's Thesis requires 6 months of full time study/work, and we strongly discourage you from attending any courses in parallel. We recommend that you acquire all course credits before the start of the Master’s thesis. The topic for the Master’s thesis must be chosen within Data Science.
Before starting a Master’s thesis, it is important to agree with your supervisor on the task and the assessment scheme. Both have to be documented thoroughly. You electronically register the Master’s thesis in mystudies.
It is possible to complete the Master’s thesis in industry provided that a professor involved in the Data Science Master’s program supervises the thesis and your tutor approves it.
Further details on internal regulations of the Master’s thesis can be downloaded from the following website:
Overview Master's Theses Projects
Chair of Programming Methodology
Institute for Computing Platform
Institute for Machine Learning
- Prof. Dr. Valentina Boeva
- Prof. Dr. Joachim Buhmann
- Prof. Dr. Ryan Cotterell
- external page Prof. Dr. Menna El-Assady
- Prof. Dr. Niao He
- Prof. Dr. Thomas Hofmann
- Prof. Dr. Andreas Krause
- Prof. Dr. Gunnar Rätsch
- external page Prof. Dr. Mrinmaya Sachan
- external page Prof. Dr. Bernhard Schölkopf
- Prof. Dr. Julia Vogt
Institute for Persasive Computing
Institute of Computer Systems
Institute of Information Security
Institute of Theoretical Computer Science
Institute of Visual Computing
Disney Research Zurich
Law, Economics, and Data Science Group
- Prof. Dr. Eliott Ash, D-GESS)
Institute for Geodesy and Photogrammetry
- Prof. Dr. Konrad Schindler (D-BSSE)