Semester and Master's Thesis Projects

The Semester Project and the Master's Thesis are mandatory courses of the Master's programme in Cyber Security. They have to be supervised by a professor of the cyber security faculty list.

Semester Project

Before starting, the project must be registered and a project description must be uploaded via myStudies.

Master's Thesis

The Master's Thesis requires 6 months of full time study/work, and we strongly discourage you from attending any courses in parallel. We recommend that you acquire all course credits before the start of the Master’s Thesis.  

Before starting the Master’s Thesis, it is important to agree with your supervisor on the task and the assessment scheme. Both have to be documented thoroughly. You electronically register the Master’s Thesis in myStudies.

Further details on internal regulations of the Master’s Thesis can be downloaded from the following website:

Information Security Group

System Security Group

Applied Cryptography Group

Network Security Group

Secure & Trustworthy Systems Group

Secure and Private AI (SPY) Lab

Information Security and Cryptography Group

Foundations of Cryptography Group

Computer Security Group

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