Prof. em. Dr. Juraj Hromkovic

Prof. em. Dr. Juraj Hromkovic
Professor Emeritus at the Department of Computer Science
Additional information
Juraj Hromkovic is professor of Information Technology and Eduation at the Department of Computer Science at ETH Zurich since January 2004.
Born in Bratislava in 1958, he studied computer science at the Comenius University, where he received his PhD in 1986 and his habilitation in 1989. From 1990 to 1994, he was visiting professor at the University of Paderborn, from 1994 to 1997 professor for parallel computing at Christian Albrechts University Kiel, from 1997 to 2003 professor for algorithmics and complexity at RWTH Aachen. In 2001, he was elected member of the Slovak Academic Society. Since 2010, he is member of Academia Europaea. In 2015, he was honored by the Slovak state award Goodwill Envoy. In 2017, he got the Pribina Cross of the first order from the President of the Slovak Republic.
His research and teaching interests focus on informatics education, algorithmics for hard problems, complexity theory with special emphasis on the relationship between determinsm, randomness, and nondeterminism. One of his main activities is writing textbooks which make complex recent discoveries and methods accessible for students and practitioners, and so contributing to the speed up of the transformation of new paradigmatic research results into educational folklore. In order to introduce the subject informatics to the school education, he founded the Centre for Computer Science Education in 2005. He is responsible for the master program Lehrdiplom Informatik at ETH devoted to the education of computer science teachers .
Since | Membership |
2010 | Academia Europaea - The Academy of Europe |
2001 | Slovak Academic Society |
Year | Distinction |
2017 | Pribina cross of the first order - state award of the Slovak Republik |
2015 | Goodwill Envoy state award of the Slovak Republic |