“I think I became bilingual”
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- Faculty
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- Medical and bioinformatics

Valentina Boeva has been a Tenure Track Assistant Professor of Biomedical Informatics at D-INFK since June 2019. She speaks not only Russian, French and English, but also the languages of computer science and biology. A rare talent that she is passing on to an increasing number of students.
“The human version of the disc defragmentation problem”
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- Applied Cryptography
- Management
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- Institute of Information Security

The Department of Computer Science is rapidly growing, and so is the number of its current sites. Being so fragmented and spread around the city, it can be difficult for department members to find a sense of belonging. Professor Kenny Paterson, the new Department Head, talks about the challenges but also opportunities he will face in this demanding role.
“You feel quite proud to run it”
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- Network and Operating Systems
- Management
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- Institute for Computing Platforms (Systems Group)

After two years as Department Head, Professor Timothy Roscoe is going back to business as usual – teaching and research. He reflects on his time running the department and the importance of having a positive outlook.
Torsten Hoefler, Marc Pollefeys and Zhendong Su named ACM Fellows
- Advanced Software Technologies Lab
- The latest honours and prizes
- Award
- Institute for High Performance Computing Systems
- Scalable Parallel Computing
- Computer Vision and Geometry Group
- Institute of Visual Computing
- Institute for Programming Languages and Systems

Torsten Hoefler, Marc Pollefeys and Zhendong Su, professors at the Department of Computer Science, have been named ACM Fellows. The distinction recognises the extensive research contributions in their respective fields. Congratulations!
A bite of the Big Apple
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- Studies
- Students

Tamara Gini, D-INFK Master’s student, joined a group of apprentices as a supervisor for 4 weeks thanks to TIE International as part of the ETH Zurich Studios project. For ETH Ambassadors she wrote a blog post about her expierence in NYC.