ICML Outstanding Paper Award for Riccardo De Santi
- Machine learning
- Award
- Students

Riccardo De Santi, Master’s student at the Department of Computer Science, has won the Outstanding Paper Award at the International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2022). Congratulations!
Zhendong Su receives Amazon Research Award
- Advanced Software Technologies Lab
- Research Groups
- Award
- Institute for Programming Languages and Systems

Professor Zhendong Su, along with his group members Dominik Winterer and Chengyu Zhang, has received the prestigious Amazon Research Award for their work in the field of automated reasoning.
ETH Board appoints Ralf Jung as Professor of Computer Science
- News
- Staff
- Faculty

Ralf Jung is currently a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA. He was appointed as Tenure Track Assistant Professor of Computer Science. With this, the department boosts its expertise in programming languages.
ETH Board promotes Otmar Hilliges to Full Professor
- News
- Staff
- Faculty

Otmar Hilliges has been promoted from Associate Professor to Full Professor of Computer Science. Hilliges conducts research in the areas of human-machine interaction, machine vision and machine learning.
Olga Sorkine-Hornung wins SGP test-of-time award
- Visual computing
- Award
- Interactive Geometry Lab
- Institute of Visual Computing

At the Symposium on Geometry Processing, Professor Olga Sorkine-Hornung received a test-of-time award for a paper she wrote fifteen years ago. Congratulations!