"We professors have the privilege that our profession is also our hobby" - Part 1/2
Prof. em. Walter Gander helped Switzerland acquire a high-performance computer, promoted the implementation of e-mail at ETH Zurich, and wrote the first book using LaTeX. In this interview with Lukas Fässler, high above the rooftops of Zurich, he talks about the beginnings of the Department of Computer Science and about a career that stretched from St. Gallen to Hong Kong.
Video series: Part 1/2
Professor emeritus Walter Gander was a faculty member of the Department of Computer Science from 1987 to 2009. In this time, he shaped both ETH Zurich and Switzerland. In the first part of our interview series, he talks to Senior Scientist Lukas Fässler, his former doctoral student, about the beginnings of D-INFK, the interesting crossroads of his personal and professional life, and the establishment of a dynamic science that plays an essential role in all aspects of our society today.

Walter Gander began his academic career at the Neu-Technikum in Buchs, before moving on to Stanford University in California and finally back to Switzerland to ETH Zurich, where he researched and taught from 1987 to 2009. In 1989, he founded the Institute of Scientific Computing at D-INFK, together with the senior research associates Peter Arbenz and Hans Hinterberger. He also left his mark on the department as Director of Studies and as Department Head. He led the Swiss supercomputer initiative to procure the national supercomputer in Manno, thus laying the foundation for today's Swiss National Supercomputing Centre (CSCS). Walter Gander was not only a researcher but also a visionary and a pioneer. He was an early advocate for the promotion of women in computer science, as well as for the establishment of independent computer science classes in schools.
Lukas Fässler is a Senior Scientist with a focus on teaching at the Department of Computer Science. He started his doctorate at Gander's Institute for Computational Science 20 years ago. Walter Gander and Lukas Fässler share not only a common research interest but also a friendship.
Mentions from the video
- chevron_right Prof. em. Alfred Bauder
- chevron_right Prof. em. Ralph Eichler, ETH President 2007-2014
- chevron_right Hans-Peter Frei
- chevron_right Prof. Markus Gross
- chevron_right Prof. em. Jürg Gutknecht
- chevron_right Prof. em. Martin Gutknecht
- external page call_made Prof. em. Peter Henrici
- external page call_made Prof. em. Urs Hochstrasser
- chevron_right Prof. em. Peter Läuchli
- chevron_right Prof. em. Jürg Nievergelt
- external page call_made Prof. em. Heinz Rutishauser
- chevron_right Prof. em. Hans-Jörg Schek
- chevron_right Prof. em. René Sperb
- chevron_right Prof. em. Heinrich Ursprung, ETH President 1973-1987
- chevron_right Prof. em. Niklaus Wirth
- chevron_right Prof. em. Carl August Zehnder
- external page call_made Prof . Frederick P. Brooks, Jr., UNC-Chapel Hill
- external page call_made Flavio Cotti, Federal Counsel 1986-1999
- external page call_made Prof . Germund Dahlquist, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
- external page call_made Prof. em Gene Golub, Stanford University
- external page call_made Nicolas Hayek
- external page call_made Prof. em. Donald Knuth, Stanford University
- external page call_made Leslie Lamport
- external page call_made Prof. em. Maurice Wilkes, Cambridge University
- external page call_made Prof. em. James H. Wilkinson, Stanford University
- external page call_made Konrad Zuse
- external page call_made CSCS Swiss National Supercomputing Centre
- external page call_made DisneyResearch|Studios
- external page call_made École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)
- external page call_made European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN)
- external page call_made Hongkong Baptist University
- external page call_made Neu-Technikum Buchs, today part of the University of Applied Sciences of Eastern Switzerland
- external page call_made Scuola universitaria professionale della Svizzera italiana (SUPSI)
- external page call_made Stanford University
- external page call_made Università della Svizzera italiana (USI)
40 years D-INFK
The study programme and the Department of Computer Science at ETH Zurich are celebrating their fortieth anniversary this year. On this occasion, a series of interviews with former professors of the department, who were leading forces in the foundation and development of D-INFK, was created.