“It’s almost like a drug”
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From an early age, Patrice Becker had an interest in computer science. He was fascinated by the idea of being able to reach the whole world with just a laptop and some programming skills. Today, the computer science student successfully combines studies and entrepreneurship at ETH Zurich.
Shweta Shivaji Shinde appointed Tenure Track Assistant Professor of Computer Science
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- Institute of Information Security
- Secure & Trustworthy Systems Group (Sectrs)

Dr. Shweta Shivaji Shinde’s research focuses on the overlaps between trusted computing, systems security and programme analysis.
Prof. David Steurer promoted to Associate Professor
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- Institute of Theoretical Computer Science
- Computational Complexity, Optimization, and Estimation

David Steurer, currently Tenure Track Assistant Professor of Theoretical Computer Science, has been promoted to Associate Professor. His research focuses on complexity theory.
Niao He appointed Tenure Track Assistant Professor of Computer Science
- Institute for Machine Learning
- Machine learning
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- Foundations of Operations Research and Machine Learning

Prof. Niao He’s research explores the point at which the optimisation of large-scale systems intersects with machine learning techniques.
Spectacular success for ETH students at the Cyber 9/12 Strategy Challenge
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- Applied Cryptography
- Award
- Institute of Information Security
- Security
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Twenty international teams competed in the Cyber 9/12 Strategy Challenge 2020, including five teams from ETH Zurich. In an unprecedented winning streak, the ETH Zurich teams not only took the top five places, but also won all the special prizes. The thorough preparation by the student organisation Cyber Group was one of the reasons for their success.