Let women code!
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- Scientific staff
- Game Technology Center (GTC)
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- Front – Spotlight
- Diversity
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- Centres

As a female computer scientist, Julia Chatain has experienced many conscious and unconscious biases. With her work at ETH Zurich’s Game Technology Center, she aims to refute such prejudices for future generations and to show everyone – not least the women themselves – that yes, women can code!
Prime or pseudo prime?
- Applied Cryptography
- Cryptography
- Video
- News
- Institute of Information Security

Prof. Kenny Paterson, head of the Applied Cryptography Group, explains the secret behind prime numbers and how they matter to our daily lives.
A warm welcome to our SSRF 2019 students!
- Teaching
- Students
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- Studies

20 international students explore their favourite research topic while working within a research group at the Department of Computer Science.
Building a stream processor for the future
- Spotlight
- Scientific staff
- Researchers in focus
- Data centres
- Network and Operating Systems
- Front – Spotlight
- Diversity
- Institute for Computing Platforms (Systems Group)
- Staff
- Research

Vasiliki Kalavri didn’t know anything about computer science before she encountered it at university. Today, she is a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Department of Computer Science at ETH Zurich. Dr. Kalavri and her team are building Strymon, a next-generation stream processing system that is faster, more flexible and more autonomous than existing systems.
Rasmus Kyng appointed Tenure Track Assistant Professor of Theoretical Computer Science
- Faculty
- Algorithms and Optimization
- News
- Staff
- Institute of Theoretical Computer Science

Dr. Rasmus Kyng conducts research in theoretical computer science with a focus on algorithm theory and theoretical aspects of data science.