Welcome, Professor Ryan Cotterell
20.02.2020 | Anna Ettlin
Ryan Cotterell officially joined ETH Zurich’s Department of Computer Science in February 2020 as Tenure Track Assistant Professor of Computer Science. Get to know him in this short interview.

Professor Cotterell, welcome to ETH. What are your current research interests?
My research focuses on natural language processing and computational linguistics. I mostly focus on deep learning and statistical approaches to phonology, morphology, linguistic typology and low-resource languages.
What is the impact of your research on society?
Natural language processing has already become a part of people’s day-to-day lives and is impacting society. We see applications on hand-held devices, e.g. dialog agents and automatic translation, that people use every day. As our technology progresses, the impact these tools have on society will increase.
Where were you working before you came to ETH?
I was a doctoral student and Lecturer at the University of Cambridge.
Which courses will you be teaching at ETH?
I will be teaching a class called Natural Language Processing (Natural Language Understanding), as well as another machine learning class.