Farewell to our SSRF students 2019
17.09.2019 | Katharina Emry
After two summer months at the department, our 20 international SSRF students departed for their homes — with a backpack filled with reseach experience, ETH spirit and lots of good memories.
At the end of August, our international SSRF students went back home after taking a deep dive into their favourite research topic, exploring Switzerland and making new friends. The students, ten women and ten men, came from over 17 nations. The international group not only gained valuable acadmic insights, but also got to explore other aspects of both ETH and Switzerland. At the Scientific Speed Dating, for example, the SSRF students got to quiz doctoral students and postdoctoral researchers about their work and their projects. In a Digital Life workshop, the students got to exchange their thoughts on topics such as privacy and surveillance with another group of summer scholars. Further, the young researchers took a trip to the European Organisation for Nuclear Research CERN and experienced a guided tour through Zurich’s hidden alleyways.
We wish our SSRF 2019 students all the best and may our paths cross again. A big thank you also belongs to all D-INFK professors who enabled our SSRF students that very first research experience!

A big thank you for hosting goes to:
Prof. Stelian Coros (Computational Robotics Lab)
Prof. Mohsen Ghaffari (Discrete and Distributed Algorithms)
Prof. Markus Gross (Computer Graphics Laboratory)
Prof. Otmar Hilliges (Advanced Interactive Technologies)
Prof. Andreas Krause (Learning and Adaptive Systems)
Prof. Friedemann Mattern (Distributed Systems Research Group)
Prof. Onur Mutlu (SAFARI Research Group)
Prof. Peter Müller (Programming Methodology)
Prof. Adrian Perrig (Network Security Group)
Prof. Marc Pollefeys (Computer Vision and Geometry Group)
Prof. Markus Püschel (Advanced Computing Laboratory)
Prof. Gunnar Rätsch (Biomedical Informatics Group)
Prof. Timothy Roscoe (Networking and Operating Systems)
Prof. Ankit Singla (Network Design and Architecture Lab)
Prof. Angelika Steger (Combinational Structures and Algorithms)
Prof. Zhendong Su (Advanced Software Technologies Lab)
Prof. Bob Sumner (Game Technology Center)
Prof. David Steurer (external page Computational Complexity, Optimization, and Estimation)
Prof. Martin Vechev (Secure, Reliable, and Intelligent Systems Lab)