READ.ME - Archive 2023

View READ.ME December 2023 here
Faculty and staff
New position for our Alumna Dr. Judith Zimmermann
Prizes and awards
VMware Early Career Faculty Award for Ana Klimovic
ACM SIGSAC Runner-Up Award for Samuel Steffen
VIS Teaching Awards
Stories of the month
Major Donation from the Dieter Schwarz Foundation
"At heart, I remain an engineer" (Alumnus Tobias Nägeli)
Joint initiative for trustworthy AI (Swiss National Supercomputing Centre CSCS)
Master in Data Science
Tips of the month
Pint of Science Switzerland
Ready for the break
Distinguished Colloquium
Giggles and glimpses
Name giver and D-INFK bottle winners
Holiday cheer and New Year's wishes
View READ.ME November 2023 here
Faculty and staff
Julia Bogdan elected new VSETH President
Welcome, Professor April Yi Wang
Prizes and awards
Four D-INFK professors receive SNSF Starting Grants
Success for RACKlette
Doctoral graduates receive ETH Medals
Golden Owl for Emo Welzl
Stories of the month
Starting a company is like paragliding (Alumnus, Tobias Nägeli)
Digital emblem for humanitarian law in cyberspace (Doctoral student Felix Linker)
Redefining Teleconferencing with ViGather (Professor Christian Holz)
Tip of the month
Best Glühwein places
Distinguished Colloquium
Call for participation - Informatiktage
Giggles and glimpses
Last round: Take part in the mascot showdown!
The Ultimate D-INFK Holiday Playlist
Share your wishes for the New Year
View READ.ME October 2023 here
Faculty and staff
Andreas Krause appointed as an expert to the UN's High-Level Advisory Body on AI
Excellence Scholarship & Opportunity Programme (ESOP) for eight students
Story of the month
Using machine learning to predict how different cells react to specific treatments (Professor Gunnar Rätsch)
Prizes and awards
THE subject ranking, 5th place
Marc Pollefeys wins Dandelion Award
Anniversary Colloquium in honour of Prof. em. Niklaus Wirth and Prof. em. Walter Gander
ETH Climate Round
ETH AI + Environment Summit
Tip of the month
Visit Treffpunkt Science City, every Sunday in November
Giggles and glimpses
Name our D-INFK owl mascot – Vote for your favourite name
Mystery solved: Meet Lossy
View READ.ME September 2023 here
Faculty and staff
Professor Torsten Hoefler is newly affiliated with the CSCS
New head of the Institute for Machine Learning is Professor Thomas Hoffmann
Administrative assistant Simonetta Zysset is retiring
Stories of the month
3D printed plates for cleft lip and palate care (Till Schnabel, doctoral student)
"I try not to sacrifice my private life" (Eren Akbiyik, Master's student)
Prizes and awards
ETH Medals and Willi Studer Prize for Master's graduates
MorphTales achieved 2nd place at the Digital Awards
ETH Industry Day
Distinguished Colloquium
Master's Graduation Ceremony
Tip of the month
Follow and tag us on Social Media
Giggles and glimpses
Make history: Name our D-INFK owl mascot!
View READ.ME August 2023 here
Faculty and staff
A summer full of learning experiences
Story of the month
Being human (Prof. Thomas Hofmann)
Prizes and awards
Marc Pollefeys receives SNSF Advanced Grant
ETH Information Days
Distinguished Colloquium
Please Meet...
Markus Dahinden, Senior Scientist Focus Education
Tips of the month
Interested research groups wanted
Faculty and staff
A big welcome to this year's SSRF students
Stories of the month
Learning the hard way (Xenia Hofmeier, doctoral student)
Learning about yourself (David Dao, former doctoral student)
Following your heart (Chengyu Zhang, postdoc)
"RACKlette feels like a second family to me"
How AI models teach themselves to learn new things
Computer Science is now a basic subject in Swiss cantonal schools
Prizes and awards
Frontiers of Science Award for Rasmus Kyng and Maximilian Probst
Course in Parallel Programming
Paul Bernays Lectures
VMI Summer Retreat
CSNOW Schnupperstudium
Please Meet...
Valeria Bella, Event Manager at the ETH AI Center
Tip of the month
Wanted: Tandempartner for software developer
Polish your communications skills
Faculty and staff
Professor Niao He becomes new Co-Director of the CLS
Stories of the month
"Morph Tales" – a new ETH game invites you to get to know AI research (ETH Game Technology Center, ETH AI Center)
The bridge builder (Dr. Martina Baumann)
How AI technology from ETH animates the fire creatures in the latest Pixar movie (Prof. Barbara Solenthaler)
Prizes and awards
Gaspard Zoss and Yifan Wang receive the Eurographics PhD Award
Team RACKlette reaches 3rd place and wins the LINPACK Award at the ISC Student Cluster Competition
ETH Summer Student Research Fellowship (SSRF)
Please Meet...
Brigitte Marti, Studies Administrator and Mobility Advisor
Tip of the month
New address
Student corner
New equipment for the computer labs
Student workspaces food&lab temporarily closed
View READ.ME May 2023 here
Faculty and staff
Relocation to CAB and CNB
Stories of the month
Saving lives with artificial intelligence (Fabian Laumer, doctoral student)
Two new projects from the Sensing, Interaction & Perception Lab (Prof. Christian Holz)
“By living in a different country, I have grown a lot as a person” (Cella Florescu, Bachelor’s student)
Prizes and awards
Ralf Jung is awarded the 2023 Alonzo Church Award
David Cock co-receives ACM Software System Award
Bernhard Schölkopf receives ACM - AAAI Allen Newell Award
Marc Pollefeys was elected member of Academia Europaea
Gustavo Alonso receives EuroSys Lifetime Achievement Award
2023 VIS Teaching Awards
2023 VIS Teaching Awards
lfl Colloqium "Troubling Visualization"
John von Neumann Symposium
Markus’ 60th birthday celebration
12. Schweizer Tag für den Informatikunterricht (STIU)
ETH Week 2023
Zukunftstag ETH Zurich
Please Meet...
Clara Meister, doctoral student
Tip of the month
VMI Helpdesk
Student corner
VIS brunch
Student workspaces food&lab temporarily closed
View READ.ME April 2023 here
Faculty and staff
Relocation to OAT
Stories of the month
“A development freeze would jeopardise transparency” (Prof. Andreas Krause, Dr. Alexander Ilic)
A new form of human-computer interaction (Prof. Martin Vechev, doctoral students Luca Beurer-Kellner and Marc Fischer)
International Girls in ICT Day
Prizes and awards
Torsten Hoefler earns first Jack Dongarra Early Career Award
Adrian Perrig and Olga Sorkine-Hornung elected members of SATW
UK-US Summit for Democracy announces ETH team around Martin Vechev as a winner in worldwide AI privacy competition
Success for three D-INFK students at Cyber 9/12 Strategy Challenge in Geneva
VMI Summer Retreat
Tower of Power
Please Meet...
Julia Bogdan, VIS president
Tip of the month
VMI Teaching Survey
Student corner
VIS board FS23
Bachelor Graduation
Faculty and staff
Ce Zhang promoted to Associate Professor
Barbara Solenthaler promoted to Adjunct Professor
Farewell, Theodoros Rekatsinas
Farewell, Runbin Shi
Stories of the month
“It’s a golden age to be a cryptographer”
International Women’s Day
“I wanted to see if ETH Zurich would be a good place for me to study”
Tracing a digital shadow
Art & Computer Science: Games in the Expanded Field
Machine Learning for Power Systems: Is it time to trust it?
Inaugural Lecture
Digital Support Tools for Paediatric Health Seminar
SDSC-Connect 2023: Towards Biomedical Data Science
Please Meet...
Tamara Gini, Master's student
Tip of the month
Nurturing well-being
View READ.ME February 2023 here
Faculty and staff
Welcome, Onicio Batista Leal
Farewell, Nezihe Merve Gürel
Congratulations, Saikishore Kalloori
Stories of the month
"I viewed studying in Zurich as a personal challenge" (Riccardo Roveri)
“I keep track of what my lecturers are saying thanks to my tablet.” (Jan Blum)
AI research will support the analysis of large medical dataset (The LOOP Zurich)
International Day of Women and Girls in Science
Distinguisched Colloquium
Inaugural Lectures
International Women’s Day
Master's Graduation Ceremony
IFL (Department of Informatics UZH) Colloquia
Please Meet...
Ben Fiedler, doctoral student, Systems Group
Tip of the month
BrainFair 2023: Lernen bei Mensch und Maschine
View READ.ME January 2023 here
Faculty and staff
"The human version of the disc defragmentation problem" (Prof. Kenny Paterson)
"You feel quite proud to run it" (Prof. Timothy Roscoe)
Stories of the month
The dawn of trustworthy and cooperative artificial intelligence (Prof. Niao He)
"I think I became bilingual" (Prof. Valentina Boeva)
Vulnerabilities in secure messenger Threema discovered (Prof. Kenny Paterson, Matteo Scarlata, Kien Tuong Truong)
A bite of the Big Apple (Tamara Gini)
Prizes and awards
Torsten Hoefler, Marc Pollefeys and Zhendong Su named ACM Fellows
Inaugural Lectures
Please Meet...
Sandra Kübler, Restaurant Manager food&lab CAB
Tip of the month
New Communication Academy course programme online
ETH Zurich
Department of Computer Science
Universitätstrasse 6
CNB E Floor