READ.ME - Archive 2019

View READ.ME December 2019 here

Faculty and staff

Farewell, Prof. Hector Garcia-Molina
Students thank Professor Ueli Maurer via newspaper ad

Test your typing speed – for science

Dr. Anna Feit is looking for volunteers to take her typing test in German

Prizes and awards

Professors Basin, Müller and Perrig receive funding from the Werner Siemens Foundation
Prof. Markus Püschel named IEEE Fellow
Prof. Srdjan Capkun recognised as ACM Fellow
Prof. Gustavo Alonso wins Test-of-Time Award
Prof. Stelian Coros receives ERC Consolidator Grant
Prof. David Basin becomes member of the Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences
BRCCH grant for Dr. Barbara Solenthaler
Two of our doctoral students receive awards at SC19
Dr. David Cock wins ACM SIGOPS 2019 Hall of Fame

Stories of the month

David Dao: Rainforest preservation through machine learning
Spin-off Tinamu Labs, Dr. Tobias Nägeli: Safe drone flights everywhere
Prof. Ankit Singla, Debopam Bhattacherjee: A new network design for the “Internet from space”

Upcoming events

World Economic Forum Annual Meeting, Davos (21-24 Jan 2020)
Paul Bernays Lectures (31 Aug - 1 Sep 2020)

Past events

Hackthon on Permafrost (28-30 Nov 2019)
Glühwein-Apéro (16 Dec 2019)

D-INFK in the news

New faculty member Prof. Ryan Cotterell: 19 new professors appointed (ETH News)
Prof. Juraj Hromkovic: Informatikunterricht: Wie Primarschüler Geheimschriften entschlüsseln lernen – ganz ohne Computer (NZZ)
Profs. Thomas Hofmann, Andreas Krause, Gunnar Rätsch: 17 ELLIS units across 10 European countries and Israel established (ELLIS Society)
Prof. Marc Pollefeys: Best of ICCV 2019 – Interview (Computer Vision News)
Cyber Defence Campus, Alumnus Dr. Vincent Lenders: Die Schweiz hat jetzt einen eigenen Cyber-Defence-Campus – wie Israel und die USA (Watson)

Please meet...

Communication & Marketing Group D-INFK, the team behind READ.ME

Tip of the month

Get connected on Twitter

View READ.ME November 2019 here

Faculty and staff

Farewell, Prof. Jürg Nievergelt
Mirjam Rösli takes on additional tasks

External advice service: bullying, harassment and discrimination

New independent, external advice centre

Prizes and awards

Prof. Markus Gross inducted into the IEEE Visualization Academy
Team from Scalable Computing Lab wins ACM Gordon Bell Prize
Prof. Angelika Steger receives Golden Owl
Dr. Felix Günther receives ACM SIGSAC Doctoral Dissertation Award
Three D-INFK doctoral students honoured with ETH Medal
ISSS Excellence Award for Dr. Christian Badertscher

Stories of the month

Prof. Peter Müller: "Research and teaching nurture each other"
Dr. Severin Hacker: "You must have the courage not to be perfect in your expression"
Meet Marina Draskovic, SSRF Student from Serbia

Upcoming events

IMI: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Tackle Media's Biggest Challenges (4 Dec 2019)
Distinguished Colloquium: Productive Failure and Learning (9 Dec 2019)
Disney Tech Talk: Workflow and Technology Challenges for Animated Films (10 Dec 2019)
CAB south atrium - Glühwein-Apéro (16 Dec 2019)

Past events

Unix 50 event at Nokia Bell Labs (22 Oct 2019)
SCION Day (6 Nov 2019)
National Future Day (14 Nov 2019)

D-INFK in the news

Prof. em. Niklaus Wirth: Niklaus Wirth - eine lebende Informatik-Legende (
Prof. Joachim Buhmann: Im Rausch des Sammelns von Einsen und Nullen (NZZ)
Prof. Srdjan Capkun, Prof. Adrian Perrig: ETH-Labor im Kampf gegen Cybergefahren (Computerworld)
Arbrea Labs (spin-off): Plastic Surgeons are Using A.I. to Determine Beauty (

Please meet...

Michael Aerni, President of MoEB (Master students without an ETH Bachelor)

Tip of the month

Upcoming changes to websites and templates (reworking of the ETH corporate design)

View READ.ME October 2019 here

Faculty and staff

Institute for Pervasive Computing is now Institute for Intelligent Interactive Systems
THE World University Ranking 2020

Prizes and awards

Prof. Srdjan Capkun, Prof. Andreas Krause: Digital Shapers 2019


Meet our ESOP 2019 students
Indoor Astronaut: Full steam ahead
Senior Scientists Focus Education: A passion for teaching
Heiki Riesenkampf: Deep learning, prefabricated

Upcoming events

Distinguished Colloquium (Fall Semester 2019)
Art & Computer Science: DriesDepoorter.key (1 November)
MTC Lecture Series: From Digital Intelligence to Digital Manipulation (6 November)
ETH Global: Code and Response Codeathon (16-17 November)
Branco Weiss Lecture: What is human? (25 November)

D-INFK in the news

Prof. Otmar Hilliges
SRF Digital: Google Pixel 4 Radar-Sensor: Smartphone steuern per Hand-Geste

Dr. Anna Feit
The Guardian: Ready, text, go: typing speeds on mobiles rival keyboard users

Prof. Marc Pollefeys
Netzwoche: Microsoft eröffnet zusammen mit der ETH ein Lab direkt in Zürich

Scandit, spin-off Scandit und das IoT: "Hey Stuhl, wer bist du?"

New faculty member: Prof. Dennis Hofheinz
ETH News: Nine new professors appointed

Please meet...

Thomas Schmid, Technical Purchaser at the IT Service Group of the Department of Computer Science

Tip of the month

Changing your office address


View READ.ME September 2019 here

Faculty and staff

Welcome to:
Prof. Rasmus Kyng
Prof. Christian Holz

Prizes and awards

Prof. Mohsen Ghaffari: ERC Starting Grant
Prof. Bernard Schölkopf: Körber Prize


Good-bye, SSRF 2019 students
David Yenicelik: I felt empowered
Oliver Glauser: Data gloves as future computer interface?
Dr. Aurelien Lucchi: AI probes dark matter in the universe

Upcoming events

Global Lecture: HoloLens 2 Unpacked (3 October)
VIScon: Symposium and Hackathon (11-13 October)
Global Lecture: 5G: Innovation for Prosperity

D-INFK in the news

Prof. Thorsten Hoefler
HPCwire: New Method that can Simulate Nanoelectronics Earns Researchers Gordon Bell Prize Nomination

Media Technology Center (MTC)
persö Media Technology Center kurz vor Start

Dr. Oliver Marchand, Dr. Elke Schaper (Alumni) MSCI reaches agreement to acquire Carbon Delta

Marc Röschlin
Sonntagszeitung: Das macht das Handy den ganzen Tag

Indoor Astronaut, spin-off
PIXEL. Magazin: Charmanter Koop-Schienenbau-Titel Unrailed! löst die Bremsen und bahnt sich heute den Weg auf den PC

Dr. Vlad Coroama
Tagesschau: Digitaler Energieverbrauch steigt  

Please meet...

Regula Cinelli, Coach and Student Advisor at ETH Student Services  

Tip of the month - how to promote upcoming events

Department visits
External visits

View READ.ME August 2019 here

Faculty and staff

Goodbye to:
Prof. Thomas Gross
Marlies Weissert

Prizes and awards

Prof. Markus Gross: selected as member of ACM SIGGRAPH Academy
Prof. Andreas Krause: ACM SIGKDD Test of Time award


Julia Chatain: Let women code!
Prof. Kenny Paterson: Prime or not prime?

Upcoming events

Global Lecture: Is Digital Space the New Battlefield (2 September)
Innosuisse Roadshow (4 September)
ETH Industry Day (4 September)
Studieninformationstage (4-5 September)

D-INFK in the news

Prof. Thomas Hofmann
ETH Podcast: Artificial intelligence

Prof. Joachim Buhmann
Bluewin: «Die Digitalisierung ist die grösste Revolution, seit wir sesshaft sind»

Teralytics, DeepCode Startups Teralytics und DeepCode sichern sich 21,5 Millionen Dollar

Please meet...

Jacqueline Braunschweiler, HR Manager Department of Computer Science and Department of Biosystems Science and Engineering

Tip of the month - how to promote upcoming events

Department events
External events

View READ.ME July 2019 here

New faculty members

Prof. Valentina Boeva
Prof. Kenny Paterson
Prof. Julia Vogt

Prizes and awards

Prof. Martin Vechev: ACM SIGPLAN Robin Milner Young Researcher Award
Prof. Onur Mutlu: ACM SIGARCH Maurice Wilkes Award
Dr. Barbara Solenthaler: TUM-IAS Hans-Fischer Fellowship
Pascal Bérard: Eurographics PhD Award


Welcome, SSRF 2019 students!
Dr. Vasiliki Kalavri: Building a stream processor for the future
Dr. Anna Maria Feit: "I'm not a typical nerd"
Prof. Andreas Krause, Dr. Oliver Verscheure: Swiss Data Science Center: empowering data-driven science

Upcoming events

Schnupperstudium (9-13 September)
VIScon (11-13 October)

Past events

Staff Party (21 May)
Master's Degree Celebration (7 June)

D-INFK in the news

Dr. Hoda Heidari
ETH Podcast: Which is fairer – human or machine?

Dr. Vlad Coroama
SRF: Warum Streaming viel Strom braucht

Prof. Andreas Krause
ETH Globe: "Can we still turn off the computer?"

New professors: Ana Klimovic, Rasmus Kyng, Mrinmaya Sachan and Siyu Tang
ETH News: Thirteen new professors appointed

Please meet...

Josua Cantieni, president of VIS (Verein der Informatik Studierenden)

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