D-INFK news channel
All stories by Olivier Nüesch
"Research is important not only because it’s fun, but because it’s essential for good teaching"
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- Programming languages
- Faculty
- Software engineering
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ETH Professor Thomas Gross retired five years ago, but continued to be responsible for the lecture ‘Introduction to Programming’. Now, his final retirement is imminent. In this interview, he describes his experiences at ETH Zurich, the developments in his field of research over the last thirty years and shares his thoughts about AI assistance in programming.
Michal Friedman appointed assistant professor
Michal Friedman has been appointed Tenure Track Assistant Professor at the Department of Computer Science. Her research at the interface between programming languages, systems and modern hardware has contributed to analysing the performance of persistent memory for data processing and improving system performance. Her research in relevant and cutting-edge areas of computer science strengthens the Department's capabilities. Congratulations!
Welcome (back), students!
The lecture halls are full, the corridors are busy: The Autumn Semester at ETH Zurich began on Monday, 16 September. The new Bachelor's and Master's students in the field of Computer Science have also started their respective degree programmes.
Computer science remains one of the most popular subjects at ETH Zurich
Computer Science continues to be one of the most popular Bachelor's and Master's programmes at ETH Zurich. Interest in the three Master's degree programmes in computer science is also growing strongly. The growth in student numbers at ETH Zurich continues unabated for the upcoming Autumn Semester.
Swiss team wins several medals at the International Olympiad in Informatics
The Swiss team won several medals at the International Olympiad in Informatics in Alexandria, which took place from 1 to 8 September. 362 participants from over 90 countries had to solve the "Riddle of the Sphinx" using algorithms. The winners received their medals in front of the Pyramids of Gizeh. Congratulations!
ETH Medals and Willi Studer Prizes for Master's Graduates
- Award
- Students
- Studies
Six Master's graduates from the Department of Computer Science have been awarded prizes for their first-rate accomplishment. Three have received the ETH Medal and three the Willi Studer Prize. Congratulations!
A fellowship full of special insights
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- Efficient Architectures and Systems Lab
- Biomedical Informatics Group
- Institute of Information Security
- Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing
- Institute for Machine Learning
- Secure and Private AI Lab
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- Students
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- Institute for Computing Platforms (Systems Group)
The Summer School Research Fellowship programme offers students from around the world the opportunity to gain their first research experience in various areas of computer science. Four students describe their research experiences and personal highlights.