D-INFK news channel

All stories by Olivier Nüesch

"Research is important not only because it’s fun, but because it’s essential for good teaching"

  • Spotlight
  • Programming languages
  • Faculty
  • Software engineering
  • Front – Spotlight

Michal Friedman appointed assistant professor


Welcome (back), students!


Computer science remains one of the most popular subjects at ETH Zurich


Swiss team wins several medals at the International Olympiad in Informatics


ETH Medals and Willi Studer Prizes for Master's Graduates

  • Award
  • Students
  • Studies

A fellowship full of special insights

  • Spotlight
  • Efficient Architectures and Systems Lab
  • Biomedical Informatics Group
  • Institute of Information Security
  • Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing
  • Institute for Machine Learning
  • Secure and Private AI Lab
  • News
  • Students
  • Front – Spotlight
  • Institute for Computing Platforms (Systems Group)
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