What a year!

We’ve lived through 12 eventful months, with many exciting encounters both virtual and real. With plenty of joy, passion and an extra portion of creativity, we were once again able to provide our growing community, the general public and potential budding computer scientists with news, stories, videos and events this year.

One highlight was the contributions and festivities to mark the 40th anniversary of the department and the computer science degree programme. Historical documents and valuable memories were produced in collaboration with our founders and alumni.

We would like to thank everyone who has supported, accompanied and inspired us throughout the year: our professors and their energetic teams, colleagues from the department administration, our students and their representatives in the associations and committees, our contacts in Corporate Communications and in other departments, and all the many other internal and external experts with whom we are privileged to work every day.

We wish everyone a wonderful holiday period and all the best for the new year. Enjoy the time off, the festive atmosphere and wonderful winter walks. And just as importantly: stay healthy!

Your D-INFK Communication & Marketing team

Sandra Herkle – Katharina Emry – Simona Bochsler – Anna Ettlin - Pauline Lüthi

Season's Greetings
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