Research Areas in Computer Science
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Data Management and Machine Learning
Data is everywhere and the mountain of data keeps growing. This area explores how to derive useful information from that vast amount of data. More
Information and System Security
In our information society, the ability to protect critical information to the maximum is crucial. More
Computer Systems
Topics such as internet architecture, cloud computing and distributed systems are part of this research area. More
Intelligent Interactive Systems & Physical Computing
With the steady increase of interactive intelligent systems in our lives, research topics like human-computer interaction and the Internet of Things gain importance. More
Programming Languages and Software Engineering
Be it an airplane or a smartphone: it is only through software that hardware becomes a functioning device. More
Theory and Algorithms
What is the shortest way from A to B? How secure is the encryption of online banking? Theoretical computer science explores such questions. More
Visual Computing
For facial recognition software or computer-assisted driving to be successful, computers must be able to process visual information correctly. More