Computer science in the context of history, culture and society
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- Institute for Intelligent Interactive Systems
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Computer science is a young science that builds on old ideas. Friedemann Mattern has taught this for more than seven years in his computer science lecture for electrical engineering students. With his retirement, an era comes to an end.
Raising the profile of quantum research
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- Centers and cooperations
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- Research
- Centres

Quantum research has long since ceased to be an exclusive domain of physics. The purpose of the new ETH Quantum Center is to ensure ETH Zurich’s various competences and activities in this area are networked even more closely and to raise their public profile.
"There’s never a dull moment when working for VIS"
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- Initiatives
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- Studies

Computer science student Johan Stettler got elected as the new president of VIS, the official association of computer science students at ETH Zurich. In his new role, he is responsible for representing, coordinating and supporting VIS, its board, its committees and its members in all their various fields and tasks
Theodoros Rekatsinas appointed Tenure Track Assistant Professor
- Institute for Machine Learning
- Artificial intelligence
- Machine learning
- News
- Data science

Theodoros Rekatsinas has been appointed Tenure Track Assistant Professor of Computer Science. He researches databases, data processing and data science.
Augmented reality brings artwork to life
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- Game Technology Center (GTC)
- Event
- Centers and cooperations
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- Virtual and augmented reality
- Research
- Centres

An app created by the Game Technology Center at ETH Zurich lets visitors experience the new exhibition at the Graphische Sammlung in an interactive way.